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PO Box 15392 Washington, DC 20003 | 202.261.6612 | info@taffetypunk.com

Some PictureBootleg Shakespeare
King John

August 1, 2011

at the Folger Theatre
201 East Capitol Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

7 pm


An entire Shakespeare play, with only a single day-of rehearsal.

The Bootleggers are back! A multi-city acting ensemble featuring our favorite folks (from DC, New York, Williamsburg, and some as far away as Omaha) gather for the theatrical equivalent of a marathon. Arriving only with their lines memorized, they will rehearse and perform an entire play with just a day's rehearsal. Jedi PalamonJedi ArciteThat includes dances and fights!

Tickets available day of performance at the Folger Theatre Box Office, from Noon until Showtime. If all tickets are distributed, we will start a queue for standing room.


some other pictureGet ready for the return of the Riot Grrrls:

Much Ado About Nothing

featuring an all-grrrl cast
directed by Eleanor Holdridge

Opens September 9th!

Tix available now — Click here to Purchase!

at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th Street SE WDC 20003

Look at this picture of our dear Esther. She's an actor. She's a riot grrrl. She's one of our company members. And she's tired of living a thread away from poverty. Starving artists are so 19th Century! You can help us in the most meaningful way possible.

Make a donation!
It's tax deductible, and helps us a WHOLE lot. Donations are totally cool and punk rock.

some punk!

This awesome photo was taken by Clinton Brandhagen.

The other awesome photos can be credited as follows. James Beaman and Esther Williamson (top photo) and Joel David Santner (L) and Ashley Strand (R) in the 2010 Bootleg Shakespeare (The Two Noble Kinsman). From TPunk Camera C, operated by Liz Maestri/Marcus Kyd.

Riot Grrrl photo of Toni Rae Brotons, and Tiernan Madorno from 2010's Julius Caesar. Photo by Abby Wood.

Taffety Punk Theatre Company
PO Box 15392 Washington DC 20003

Enjoy more fine rock and roll from our friends at:
Dischord Records
Lovitt Records
Sockets Records
Beauty Pill
Faction of Fools
Factory 449
Round House
Dog and Pony
Pink Line
Corner Store
Fatback DJ Collective

This e-mail should only be sent to those who have asked to receive it. If you no longer wish to receive these announcements, you can unsubscribe here.


You can help us in many fine ways, the best thing you could do today is:

King John Flyer

And hang it up at your favorite cafés, record stores, barber shops, rock clubs, food co-ops, etc...


More T-Punk News.
Look, See:

Riot Grrrls Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing

directed by
Eleanor Holdridge

Sep 9 - 24, 2011
Capitol Hill Arts Worskhop

Joel and Kris are already in post-production for Bareknuckle. Also, Joel's Mirror Image screenplay is an official selection for the DC Shorts Screenwriting Festival.

• Kimberly will be very busy this year. You can catch her in Clybourne Park right now, and later A Bright New Boise and Mr. Burn, all at Woolly Mammoth. Dual company membership-ness is pretty intense, yes? She can also be seen in The Religion Thing at Theater J,

Esther is teaching Camp Shakespeare and Scene Study at the Shakespeare Theatre Company this year. She will also join our friends at Happenstance for their Cabaret Macabre this October.

Tonya will join the cast of The Gaming Table at the Folger Theatre.

Lise directs Savage in Limbo at Metro Stage.

Paulina is finishing up her film, A Story of Plena. It will be available on our new label (surprise!) in a couple months. More info soon. Then, she moves to Indiana to pursue a PhD. We love you and will miss you, Pauli!

Resident Playwright Gwydion Suilebhan has been commissioned by Theater J. He's working on a new play called Hot & Cold. He also has a production of Let X (from T-Punk's 2006 line-up) running at Strawdog Theatre in Chicago.

Chad Clark (composer for suicide.chat.room) and his band Beauty Pill have been commissioned to record a new album at the Artisphere Black Box Theater in Arlington, VA from July 16 until August 2nd. The entire process will be open to the public with sessions commencing daily from Noon until 10pm.

A very awesome thing you can do is donate here to improve the life of our dear friend Callum Robbins.

Company Members
Tonya Beckman Ross
Lise Bruneau
David Polk
Daniel Flint
Kimberly Gilbert
Paulina Guerrero
Marcus Kyd
Christopher Marino
Joel David Santner
Esther Williamson

Saucy Lackeys
Richard Byrne
Amy Carr-Taylor
Chad Clark
Kristin Holodak
Liz Maestri
Sean Peoples
Josh Taylor

Artistic Director
Marcus Kyd

Jack the Lad
Scott Hammar

Resident Playwright
Gwydion Suilebhan

Web Master
Kim Carlyle

Board of Trustees
Ian Armstrong
William Colgrove
Jeanette Gunderson
Gregg Henry
Philippa Hughes
Cara Pomponio
Gwydion Suilebhan

First Ten
These fine folks donated $1,000 each when we were just a wee lass. They have our eternal gratitude.
Philippa Hughes
Sam Fleming
Christine Farley
Anthony Nelson
Cathleen Nelson
Ryan Nelson
Merribel Ayres
Anne Mayerson
One Anonymous
Two Anonymous

Not sure why we're doing this, but if you're looking for some blasts from the past, click here to see the archive of old newsletters. Everything's there: spelling errors, broken links, and all!